Notes on "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom"
After 2 years of The Legend of Zelda ("Breath of the Wild" and now "Tears of the Kingdom") in Spanish, I have my Switch in English, and I have to say that while it's a very good approach to train my Spanish, it was a bit of a chore. Now, the immersion deepened greatly. I also have an impression that both translations create their own worlds and are not direct translations from Japanese. Interesting. It also feels that Spanish translation is a bit better.
For example, those two mountains (or rather a mountain broke in two) in Necluda are called Duelling Peaks in English but Picos Gemelos* in Spanish. This gives a different vibe to the world, to the ways that its denizens are naming things. It's more violent.
*Literally, Twin Peaks which is close to Japanese Twin Mountains. Maybe they didn't want to infringe some intellectual property.
I found Majora's Mask.
I accidentally did a quest from the main group when I was exploring the floating islands in the clouds. I assumed there'd be only 4 sages (because there were 4 divine beasts in "Breath of the Wild"), but no. My wife reminded me that I actually remarked at some point that there are only 4 rings but 5 fingers, and that there might be something else still. So now I have a mecha suit. Sweet.
But Zelda's voice in English is horrible. This booming voice with a British accent just lands really badly after the Spanish princessy voice.